Window seat and music storage

IMG_20150725_214849Sarah has always wanted a window seat. She also needed an area to store her sheet music for choir, piano teaching and show tunes. So I came up with a solution that fills both roles. For the base I used an Ikea Kallax Shelving Unit and placed it on the ground horizontally. I just really didn’t feel like building that part of the project. For the top portion I simply took two 2×4 pine boards and cut them down to the size I wanted (58 inches). I then cut four cross pieces to be 19 inches in length. I countersunk in the screes to connect the boards into a frame. I then painted the frame white. Across the top I placed four boards (1×6) that I had cut to 59 inches in length and stained. I attached them with finish nails and I also placed wood glue on the 2×4 boards they rested on. Overall, I am pretty happy with the finished project.

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