Blackberry plants

So I took of Thursday with the intention of getting ahead on my homework for the math I’m taking online. I looked at the weather report and realized Saturday was going to be full of rain. So I switched to doing yard work I had planned for Saturday. I took Sarah and Joseph along and […]

Study Journal: Week 10

16 MAR 15 In 4 Nephi the people were united and there was no contention in the land (4 Nephi 1:15). This was the second time a Zion society had been established on the Earth and the student manual refers to it as the Nephite Zion (golden Nephite era).This lasted for two hundred years before […]

Study Journal: Week 9

09 MAR 15 Commandment to search these things diligently. (3 Nephi 23:1) I am grateful for the time I have to search these scriptures as part of this class. It has given me a reason and format to dig deeper into things than I have had a chance to do in a while. Christ reminds […]