Memories of Chicken Pox and Measles

Memory sharing time of when I had the chicken pox and when I had the measles. I remember when I had both and it wasn’t a fun time. While these memories were brought up by recent outbreaks, to me it’s more remembering a time when I was living in some crazy conditions as a kid. […]

Study Journal: Week 4

2 FEB 15 Helaman 1:24 “And supposing that their greatest strength was in the center” I love how this little bit of information is missed on what ever Intel they had previously gathered. Making weak things strong is an important theme we see in these battles. How can we apply this lesson to our lives? […]

Study Journal: Week 3

26 JAN 15 After the Holy Order of God by which they were called. (Alma 43:2) That title is very interesting. It seems very similar to names given to the Melchizedek priesthood in ancient times. I think this is just another indicator of how the Nephites operated under having the Melchizedek priesthood and not limited […]