Why did I register to vote as a Libertarian?

When I was seventeen I was in foster care and many of my life decisions were under direct control of the state. I knew that when I became eighteen I would gain some more freedoms. One of these was the ability to vote and participate more fully in trying to change the system.

I already had some interest in political science and history, so I decided to research it further. I read a few different books concerning different political parties and I ran across The Advocates for Self Government. This was 1997-1998 and the internet was still quite new. I remember opening Netscape and navigating to the site and reading articles by Dr. Mary Ruwart and others there concerning libertarianism. I also signed up for the Liberator Online newsletter on my Hotmail account.

I found the principles of libertarianism to be quite appealing after having spent my life in direct control of the state. After all the reading, I decided I best identified with the Libertarian Party and registered as a Libertarian on my birthday. After deploying with the Army Reserves to Iraq and realizing how bad of a decision that was for us as a country and wanting to try to more actively change things; I later became active with in the LP at the County and State level. I have since moved to Texas and I have not yet become active with the Party locally out here but I intend to in the future.

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