New Rifle

So yesterday I got a new AR-15 rifle. Well technically it’s called an ArmaLite M-15 because Colt owns the name AR-15 but the name has become pretty generic for any rifle that is compatible with the AR-15 platform. This particular rifle is chambered as 223 Wylde which is supposed to make the most of both […]

1.5M Unpatched WordPress Sites Hacked

My wife’s blog was one of those impacted but I had a backup of the SQL, so I was able to restore the content like it was prior to it being defaced. Lessons learned: I don’t log on to my wife’s blog enough to see it needs updates. So I just enabled automatic updates for […]

Office Shed Completed

So as some of you might know I’ve been working on building a shed that I planned to insulate and use as an office. After  several weekends of work it’s completed and I’ve moved my office out to it. Here is my favorite shot which Sarah dubs it a Man-Cave: The three monitors are great […]