New Monitor

This will be a short post but I just thought I would share the new monitor. I upgraded from my 2560×1080 to a 3440×1440 LG monitor. I still have my left side Discord 1080p monitor and right side Mids/Badger/Wiki 1080p monitor. At the center top is my 46″ TV and I took the picture from […]

Why the death penalty should be abolished!

The death penalty, also known as capital punishment, is the practice of putting a person to death as a punishment for a crime they have committed. It has been used throughout history and is still used in many countries today. However, there is a growing movement to abolish the death penalty. In this post I […]

If you want to quote me on something…

“It is better to be known for what you Love than to be known for what you Hate.” – Paul Darr There was a conversation earlier that made me say this but I was already thinking on this topic. So often now days hate and fear seem to be used as motivation. Love and hope […]