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VLMC (Movie Creator)

The people that brought us VLC, the simple Swiss Army Knife of video players annonced a few days ago that they are working on VLMC (VideoLAN Movie Creator). Their goal is for it to be a free video editor for semi-professional videos that has a simple interface. Oh and it will be multi platform for you Mac, Linux and Windows fans. SO far the videos and screenshots are very promising for their pre-alpha work.


Who is Paul Darr?

Paul Darr has lived in California, Oregon, Colorado, and currently lives in San Antonio, Texas. Paul is also an Army Veteran, who has deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. On the political spectrum Paul is a Libertarian that advocates fiscal responsibility and social tolerance. Paul is currently employed as an IT Manager and is a father of a handsome boy and beautiful daughter. In his free time Paul enjoys reading, using and modifying open source software, gaming, and several other geeky pursuits.

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