The peak or future greater peaks?

When we look at the years 2016-2020, it’s clear that this era stands out as a high point for the Libertarian Party (LP) when measured by electoral success, public attention, and membership growth. But the critical question is whether this period was the peak of our movement or simply a peak on a path to […]

Honor Veterans with repeal of AUMFs

This Veterans Day let’s honor our Veterans by ending their wars by repealing the 1957, 1991, 2001, and 2002 AUMFs. As we approach Veterans Day, we reflect on the sacrifices our service members have made in service to our county. One of the most solemn promises a nation can make to its veterans is to […]


Should the Libertarian Party concentrate on professional messaging or bold messaging? This question, while important, misses the mark. The real issue at hand is why the party isn’t prioritizing candidate-focused messaging. If we view the Libertarian Party as a business, our candidates should be seen as the product, with the LP itself representing the brand. […]