Character portrait

Last night I wanted to make a character portrait for my character “Sir Sparrowhawk” and I found myself missing the City of Heroes character creator. For those unfamiliar with the now defunct game, players could create very detailed customizations to the look of characters. It was unlike any other game I have seen before or […]

Game Journal 1

Day 1: Another day in Suzail started with Songammem and I out looking for some potential work. Along the way we heard some humans hollering about two knights looking for adventuring minded soldiers. That sounded just like the sort of employment we were looking for so we decided to look into it more. We also […]

Quick game summary/reminder

So last game the mercenaries cleared out the Keep on the Shadowfell only to find that was a delay while a pissed off dragon was destroying the country side. It seems someone (you guys) killed it’s kid and it came down off of the mountain to get some pay back. This information came to you […]