Week 3 Reflection

This is taken from one of the reflection questions from FDREL225. I felt it gave some good insights and I wanted to save it here on my blog. The world issue I was focusing on was abuse and bullying. As I was pondering this weeks scripture and article of faith I thought of how we […]

Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Joseph and I saw Star Wars: The Last Jedi Friday. We both enjoyed it and I would rate it 6/10 using my scale below. 10 – Masterpiece. 1-2 movies a year might get this rating. 9 – Great movie but just falling short of perfect in some way. 8 – One of the best of it’s […]

Veterans Day Looking Back

Ali Air Base (Tallil) November 2005. Taking a picture after building a pallet because I always forgot to during the process. Second picture also at Ali Air Base fixing Tops computer, again. Last picture Ziggurat of Ur.