Thoughts of “Fatherhood – Our Eternal Destiny”

Last April my brother got married. It was the weekend of General Conference so I did not have the opportunity to see all the Conference talks as they aired. I read them later and the talk by Brother Larry M. Gibson “Fatherhood — Our Eternal Destiny” stuck out to me; as I am a father […]


So I had to write a love letter to an inanimate object for my English class. I decided to go full cheese on writing one about my phone. Dear Hammerhead, While some may simply call you a Google Nexus 5, that name does not do you justice. I prefer to think of you with the […]

Study Journal: Week 13 Moroni 8-10

06 APR 15 I joined the church when I was ten years old in one of my foster homes. Prior to that I had been baptized as an infant in the Catholic church at the request of my parents and grandparents. I of course can’t remember that myself but I was told when I was […]