If the 2016 Presidential election were held today…

If the 2016 Presidential election were held today with Hillary Clinton (D), Donald Trump (R) and Gary Johnson (L) as the candidates, I believe the electoral votes would come out far more skewed than than what the most recent national polls suggest. When looking at what States are safe for candidates and which ones candidates […]

2008 v 2012 v 2016 Primary Turnout Analysis

So there was comment on Google+ today stating that the, “Democrat turnout is 20%+ down this year.” The commenter felt this this was significant because “none of the polls account for the fact” and that in both 2008 and 2012 the primary turnout was far higher than this year. I like to question numbers so […]

Threat: New iPhone exploit discovered by the FBI.

Threat: New iPhone exploit discovered by the FBI. Solution: Keep sensitive information encrypted on other devices. URL: http://thehackernews.com/2016/03/fbi-iphone-unlock_28.html The FBI has recently dropped it’s case against Apple after it found it’s own way to unlock the dead terrorists iPhone 5c. Currently experts suspect the technique involved NAND Mirroring (a technique used to copy the contents […]