Stone Of Tears

So I decided to follow up “Wizards First Rule” by reading the next book in the series “Stone of Tears written by Terry Goodkind. This is not a complete review. This is just a few of my thoughts on the book. 1. Warning!!! There are many adult themes in this book. Yes this is the […]

Wizards First Rule Review

I enjoy reading fantasy literature and “Wizards First Rule” was a good addition. “Wizards First Rule”, written by Terry Goodkind, is the first book in the epic fantasy series The Sword of Truth. The novel was adapted to TV in the 2008 series Legend of the Seeker. People seem to either love or hate this […]

American Gods

I recently finished the book American Gods by Neil Gaiman. The version I read was the 10th Anniversary Edition which is the authors preferred text. Overall I enjoyed the book and it’s different take mythology and religion in a fantasy setting. I can see how this book might have influenced some authors over the past […]