Looking for a Specialized Rockhopper FS

About ten years ago I sadly had my mountain bike stolen and while there have been many improvements in mountain bikes, I’m looking for the same model and size of bike that I once had (blame nostalgia). I figure I could find one that’s cheap and do some repairs and upgrades as needed. For the […]

Study Journal: Week 8

02 MAR 15 In 3 Nephi 18:3-9 we are told of the sacrament and the manner it should be taken. I found it interesting to note that it is for “all those who shall believe and be baptized in my name”. I take that to mean it’s a commandment for those that are baptized to […]

Study Journal: Week 7

23 FEB 15 In 3 Nephi 13:3-4 we are told to give our alms in secret. Tithing and other offerings should of course be given without fanfare but I think we can also expand this principle to acts of service. While sometimes it can be good to broadcast doing service activities to get others to […]