July Lawn Care

The big thing is to keep up with watering and to mow as needed. Also it’s too hot to treat for weeds broadly like some of my posts talked about in the past. If you treat for weeds use a hand held sprayer and go directly at the couple weeds you are targeting. It’s also too hot too push your lawn by using fertilizer. This is a risky time of year to place down chemicals and you risk burning your lawn, so be aware of that. This time of year I just put down a natural fertilizer called milorganite. It just feeds microorganisms that produce the fertilizer by feeding on the milorganite and has no issues of burning the lawn. I also treat for bugs as needed, at least every other month and I have had good results with that. I also still place down a pre-emergent fertilizer every other month and that helps keep the weeds down to begin with.

Back to the watering. Make sure your lawn gets an inch of water a week to keep it green and healthy. So weeks we get rain is awesome and ones we don’t, make sure to water. If using an irrigation system make sure to watch for hot spots along sidewalks or places where the soil is poor in the lawn. Just hand water a little extra there to counter act that.

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