Gary Johnson Banners
Here are a couple bannes you can use on Facebook and Google+ to show your support for +Gary Johnson.
Here are a couple bannes you can use on Facebook and Google+ to show your support for +Gary Johnson.
With Newt Gingrich’s win at the South Carolina Primary it shows voters that the GOP nomination is still anyone’s game. While Gingrich came through with a commanding lead in South Carolina, he still trails Mitt Romney by five delegates. The current delegate count is: Mitt Romney (31), Newt Gingrich (26), Ron Paul (10) and Rick […]
Disclaimer: The results come from a sampling of visitors that voted on my website. The methodology does not represent a statistically significant cross section of any voter category. That being said, I find the results interesting. I know I had visitors that identified as members of the Libertarian Party. I also know that I had a […]