Study Journal: Week 11 (Ether 1-15)

23 MAR 15 It’s not often in the scriptures that the Lord just fixes something miraculously. More often the Lord gives people the means and guidance to fix things themselves or asks them to perform an act of faith prior to the miracle. I like reading through the process that the brother of Jared and […]

New watch band for my Asus Zen Watch

Sarah got me a new watch band for my Asus Zen Watch. I stained my old one from sweating and wearing it while during yard work. I usually wore sport watches in the past and I just wasn’t thinking about damaging the leather. I purchased a new watch band, pins and tool set to assist […]

Blackberry plants

So I took of Thursday with the intention of getting ahead on my homework for the math I’m taking online. I looked at the weather report and realized Saturday was going to be full of rain. So I switched to doing yard work I had planned for Saturday. I took Sarah and Joseph along and […]