After freeze yard care

So some of you might be tempted to go out and toss some harsh fertilizer on your lawn. Hold back on that one. After the shock our lawns got with the freeze start with some very mild and balanced mixtures. The best thing you can do is add something like composted manure that comes in with an NPK of 0.5-0.5-0.5. If you want to use a chemical fertilizer I recommend something similar to “The Andersons PGF Balanced Fertilizer” that comes in with an NPK of 10-10-10. Below is a picture of both products.

As far as other plants in your yard I recommend patience. Some of them went dormant hard after that cold shock. You might need to research best care of each after a freeze to treat them correctly. Don’t go and cut your tree/bush/shrub down because it lost leaves, like some have thought they needed to do. Some trimming might be in order but in most cases your plant will come back with some care.

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